Operational Management Services
a.) Recruit, hire, and train the management team.
b.) Recruit, hire, and train the operational staff.
c.) Conduct all marketing and sales efforts and retain or employ the professionals required to meet the requirements of the marketing plan.
d.) Approve and refine the Standard Operating Guidelines and operating procedures for the operation of the Project.
e.) Oversee and determine final acceptance and punch list items with the owner.
f.) Establish safety and emergency procedures.
g.) Oversee cash control, financial reporting, and security providing regular financial and operational reports to the owner.
h.) Contract with all service providers, tenants, entertainers, and other service providers to the Project.
i.) Implement the financial and management reporting systems and cash control.
j.) Provide guidance and direction in the development of annual marketing plans.
k.) Establish annual operating budgets.
l.) Share and implement the adoption of appropriate new trends and best practices.
m.) Routinely analyze operations and implement best practices, cost efficiencies, and leading practices.
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